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Hello, this is my website.
Seeds to Roots to Ideas . Life
This is a place imagined by me, organized by me, imaged by me, and can change based off of life + me.
My life has been pretty chaotic. Constantly putting angles out in front of me that I need to protract and assimilate.
Outside of that, I can draw pretty good, long as I can see what I'm drawing, when I draw off the top of my head things get interesting. Not a lot of order up there, I blame the Nargles.
I absolutely love finding information through the ever expanding knowledge computers have so wonderfully provided for us all to share. Google is a good friend of mine, we go way back to when Ask Jeeves still had the keys.
I enjoy using electricity immensely and would love to construct a way to make more of it in any fashion. If you have any free time and think that sounds like a never-ending struggle for power, then I do believe we should meet, discuss this said struggle and be friends forever.
Mechanical gizmos that make life so incredibly fun, are also pretty far up in my appreciation for the day to day. For example if I had a waterfall in my back yard, you better believe that it will eventually have some mechanical function that produces you and I electricity for the WIFI of course, you know? Things of that nature.
I have a degree in Computer Networking Systems and Cyber Security with a certificate in Computer Repair and Networking from SCCC. I am now working on my bachelor's in Digital Forensics at the University of Albany in NY.
If you have some crazy thing going on with your computer that you can't really seem to figure out let me know. I've been known from time to time to speak the language. As I age in this life, these CPU's made their way into every home and got significantly better at well... everything practically. I'm still learning constantly and have a number of skills in the trade. Quite honestly, I enjoy meeting CPU's so much that I will likely end up using my major to make sure everyone I meet is also hacking their own products.
My thoughts on it - You pay for a computer or phone and you want to delete and change everything you can then by all means. If the company happened to build your product with what you deleted as part of the way you use it then that is too bad for you. Luckily you can get a hold of myself for some quality advice.
Broken screens and things are always a good time. I'll even include you in the process if you'd like to watch me struggle.
When it comes to these big companies that produce these fine machines please remember one valuable detail. They don't really need your business at this point. If they want to make an expensive toy that locks itself forever at the wrong touch, charge you $1,000 then give you no sympathy they have the means to do it and still eat well.
As much as I hate to admit this, sometimes my efforts to explore are met by teams of experts all paid to make sure you buy another.
It happens...
Even if I was the best in the game, where the professionals play, I'd still not be part of that category. I look at every scenario like it should be looked at. New. Never. Been. Done. Before. No one I've heard of time travels so lets just go over your wants and needs and figure it out together. Id be more than happy to give my perspective
If you have to be sure that something other than losing time 100% of the time, just know that I was probably right there with ya looking for that guarantee too. I'll do my best.
Copyright © 2021 Seeds 2 Roots 2 Ideas
A BeMe Prod